Website rebuild launched

The new site is here. Slowly I will be porting articles from the old site into this new one. There is a slight change to the focus. Previously, WLMD was focussed on examining the evidence for rare fauna, with conservation news and projects, and research articles as a side interest. In the new site, the focus will be on conservation research and education. The critical analyses that examine the evidence for rare fauna will be one component of that. The other major thrusts will be: to offer wildlife monitoring services using camera trapping technology; to generate educational materials for school students; to raise general awareness of conservation efforts and news - around the country and around the world; and to contribute original research information to the broader community - in particular, consisting of the animal tracks library, the rare fauna sightings gallery and my own field trip notes and photography.

Step 1 will be to migrate existing content from the old website (at to this new one (at