
From time to time Where Light Meets Dark receives recognition or mention in other media.

Often, volunteer work is also acknowledged. This page is a place to gather together the various accolades and accomplishments since the site's launch in August 2006.

Aug 2011 - Photo of washed-up blue shark published in paper

Local newspaper The Leader publishes my photo of a blue shark which had washed up on Greenhills Beach at Cronulla. I reported the animal to the Fisheries Department, which was grateful to obtain a specimen as they are usually an offshore species and rarely wash up.

Apr 2011 - Mentioned in local paper regarding brush turkey sighting

Local newspaper The Leader mentions my sighting of a brush turkey in Oatley Park. It is the first documented sighting for that park, and the first sighting of a brush turkey in Oatley in over 111 years!

Feb 2009 - Filming documentary - in search of the thylacine

The second trip to Tasmania in search of the thylacine is done with a documentary film crew. We check on some of the cameras deployed during trip 1, deploy some more and spend time filming. The third trip will be undertaken later in the year. We are very excited about, and looking forward to, the results of filming.

Jan 2009 - Expedition in search of thylacine!

Three-part expedition in search of the Tasmanian tiger begins. After months of research and planning, I travel to Tasmania and hike into the rugged and remote Franklin Gordon Wild Rivers National Park with a colleague and a mountain of camera equipment. This first trip also serves to scout suitable filming locations for a documentary film crew that will follow in the next trip.

Nov 2008 - Article in the Sunday Indian

India's "greatest news weekly" - the Sunday Indian - invited me to write a short piece on my search for the Tasmanian tiger. This was published as part of a special on wildlife, in both print and online versions.

Oct 2008 - Published photo of mainland Eastern quoll specimen

WLMD is given permission to publish a photograph of an Eastern quoll that was discovered as roadkill in Victoria 2005. It was one of two specimens found that year. This comes on the back of news that two further specimens were discovered in 2008.

Jun 2008 - Published photo of last mainland Eastern quoll

Australian Museum gives WLMD permission to publish a photograph of the last confirmed mainland Eastern quoll specimen. It was recovered as roadkill from Nielsen Park in Vaucluse, Sydney, in January 1963.

May 2008 - Interview with hobbit discoverer

Associate Professor Mike Morwood was gracious enough to meet with me and my colleague Amy from the Diffusion science radio show recorded at the 2SER studios at UTS. A. Professor Morwood is spokesperson for the team that discovered Homo floresiensis - the hobbits of Indonesia.

Apr 2008 - first trail camera deployment

The Moultrie GameSpy? commercial trail camera is deployed into the bush for the first time - in search of Eastern quolls based on a 2006 sighting.

Apr 2008 - WLMD launches radio segment

International science radio show Diffusion invites WLMD to contribute a semi-regular radio segment which is broadcast nationally on radio and internationally via podcast.

Nov 2007 - Wallaby photo published in local paper and societal newsletters

Local newspaper The Leader conducts a telephone interview resulting in an article on my photograph of a swamp wallaby in Oatley Park. Reader feedback would go on to provide a number of other uncommon local fauna sightings which hopefully will be used by local council to enact the fauna survey part of its park management plan.

The sighting also receives mention in the Oatley Flora and Fauna Conservation Society newsletter and the local council bushcare newsletter.

Sep 2007 - Perth Zoo fauna survey participation

I again participated in Perth Zoo's annual Great Australian Night Stalk.

Sep 2007 - Australian Traveller magazine publishes my three-toed skink photo

Australian Traveller magazine publishes an article on the mythical "Hoop Snake" using my photograph of a three-toed skink.

Aug 2007 - Herald article on mainland devils

The Herald publishes an article about the launch of The Mainland Devils website is a joint project with Debbie Hynes to search for Tasmanian devils in Victoria. It also documents the history of mainland sightings, captures and roadkills, as well as all Tasmanian devils outside Tasmania today.

Aug 2007 - Competition Winners

The Carnivorous Marsupial Challenge closes with two winners - Almantas in Lithuania, and Mike in New Zealand. Congratulations!

Jun 2007 - Google features thylacine tour in Earth Gallery

Google contacts Where Light Meets Dark and features the Google Earth thylacine sightings tour in the Google Earth showcase gallery.

Jun 2007 - Carnivorous Marsupial Challenge

Where Light Meets Dark launches a competition to see if you can guess the marsupials in the pictures.

Apr 2007 - Australia Zoo Video

As part of an Australia Zoo competition, I put together a short video titled "Crikey!!". It was shot on location during a wildlife rescue where land was being cleared as part of a housing development.

Apr 2007 - Book launch - Elementum Bestia

Craig Heinselman's book, Elementum Bestia launched in April 2007. My chapter, containing sections on the thylacine, Tasmanian devil and Eastern quoll, was entitled "In Search of Rare Carnivorous Marsupials: An Examination of the Evidence for Their Survival".

Mar 2007 - Radio interview, BBC Radio Five (UK)

The Herald article also prompts a second radio interview, this time with UK based BBC Five.

Mar 2007 - Radio interview, 2CH Canberra (Aust)

The Herald article prompts a telephone radio interview with station 2CH in Canberra.

Mar 2007 - Sydney Morning Herald article about thylacine sighting Google Earth tour

The Sydney Morning Herald (Sun Herald) published an article about the Google Earth thylacine sighting tour available here on Where Light Meets Dark.

Jan 2007 - Volunteering at Australia Zoo

I spent one week of my holidays volunteering at Australia Zoo - just four months after the tragic loss of Steve Irwin.

Dec 2006 - Invitation to write a book chapter

In December 2006, Craig Heinselman invited me to contribute a chapter to his upcoming book, Elementum Bestia. It would be Craig's fourth cryptozoology book.

Sep 2006 - Perth Zoo fauna survey - Night Stalk

I participate in surveying local bushland for mammal fauna. The data are forwarded to Perth Zoo for their annual, national Night Stalk campaign. The surveys yield a wallaby sighting in Oatley Park.