Vision and goals

The primary vision for Where Light Meets Dark is conservation education and research.

Conservation through education

Where Light Meets Dark serves to raise awareness on conservation issues through reposting noteworthy news items on its Facebook page.

In future, I hope to produce educational materials for use in schools and by homeschoolers, to raise conservation awareness and skills amongst school children.

I is also volunteer ocassionally with a local school's eco kids program.

Conservation through research

Where Light Meets Dark's particular focus with regards to research is on species that are on the brink of extinction, or believed extinct. Within Australia this has meant the iconic Tasmanian tiger (thylacine) amongst others. When claims of evidence of species survival come to light, I like to examine the evidence for its veracity and providence. This has typically involved critically analysing photographs, videos and witness testimonies associated with such sightings. These critical analyses are published on this site.

Secondarily, two additional resources are continually being expanded and are published on this site: an animal tracks library, to assist amatuers in recognising and identifying species' presence through their footprints and other signs; and a post-extinction thylacine sightings database and interactive tour.

Thirdly, I also conduct fauna surveys from time to time and the results are published here.